Upcoming Conferences
- 08-11 April, 2024: The EURADOS Annual Meeting takes place in Oxford. https://eurados.sckcen.be/events-overview/eurados-annual-meeting-2024-oxford-uk
- 03-07 May, 2024: The ESTRO Meeting is held in Glasgow. https://www.estro.org/Congresses/ESTRO-2024
- 10-15 June, 2024, 62nd Annual PTCOG Conference in Singapore. https://ptcog62.org/
- 24-28 June, 2024: The International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy will convene in Krakow. https://icnct20.org/
- 21-26 July, 2024: The 27th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI) and the 54th Symposium of Northeastern Accelerator Personnel (SNEAP) will be held at the Worthington Renaissance Hotel in Fort Worth, TX. https://caari-sneap.com/
- 10-13 September: 48th European Radiation Research Society (ERRS) Meeting. https://errs2024.pt/general-info/
- 11-14 September, 2024: The European Congress of Medical Physics will meet in Garching by Munich. https://ecmp2024.org/
- 15-18 September: Radiation Research Society (RRS) meeting. https://www.radres.org/
- 22-27 September: Applied Nuclear Physics (ANP) Conference. https://radium.phys.uoa.gr/ANP2024/
- 29 September to 02 October, 2024: The ASTRO Annual Meeting is in Washington DC. https://www.astro.org/Meetings-and-Education/Micro-Sites/2024/Annual-Meeting
- 18 October, 2024: The Annual Meeting of the German BNCT Society in Würzburg. https://dgbnct.de
- 21-22 October, 2024: 8th European Particle Therapy (EPTN Meeting) in Vienna https://www.estro.org/Science/EPTN
- 14-16-November, 2024: 10th PTCOG-NA Annual Meeting in New York City https://ptcog-na.org/ptcog-na-10th-annual-meeting
- 4-6 December: FLASH Radiotherapy & Particle Therapy (FRPT). https://frpt-conference.org/