Job Opportunities
The Chair of Experimental Physics – Medical Physics in the Faculty for Physics of the LudwigMaximilians-Universität München (LMU) aims to promote research and teaching in the field of medical physics, with special focus on advances in pre-clinical and clinical radiotherapy for a wide range of beam modalities, from established conventional sources of photons and hadrons up to laser-based systems.
We are looking for you:
PhD position for acoustic / ultrasonic imaging (m/f/x)
in Garching
For more information see here!
The position is based in Grenoble, at the CNRS Laboratory of Subatomic Physics and Cosmology (LPSC). We are looking for a highly motivated candidate to investigate the use of PGTI reconstruction for TOF based proton imaging. The candidate will conceive and implement dedicated Monte Carlo simulations to study the image quality (spatial resolution, SNR…) achievable with this technique and the dose delivered to the patient in different scenarios. Starting from simplified geometries the study will progressively include all parameters that will have an impact on the experimental application, including the simulation of realistic patient anatomies based on digital phantoms and patient’s CT images. Following the simulation results, the successful candidate will propose practical experiments that can be reproduced at a protontherapy facility to validate the feasibility of the technique. This position mainly involves MC simulation, image reconstruction and data analysis tasks but, depending on the candidate profile and interests, she/he may directly participate to the experimental campaigns at CAL.
Project description, activities and candidate profile can be found here. To apply, please send CV, an application letter and at least one reference to
If you have open positions available at your particle therapy facility,
send an email to the
Please, send the job description, which has to be advertised on the PTCOG webpage.
(for publishing Job Adverts, a small donation to PTCOG is always appreciated)